Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Into the Passion?

I find it really interesting how a book or any kind of writing can inspire so many things. In this case, I read a book called Into the Wild by Jon Kraukauer. I didn't read this book just once; I read this book many times already. During my senior year in my high school until now, I continue to read this work for different purposes. I read this book for the purpose of happiness, struggles, standards of society, and many more. This time, I read this book for the sole purpose of finding the answers about the direction of passion. The book, Into the Wild, is about a young man named Chris McCandless who traveled to Alaska for his own personal reasons. Nobody really knows his reasons are for going to Alaska. Throughout the book, we learned about Chris' family, childhood, and social status in society. The boy is rich, but his family is messed up especially his dad. Despite his upbringings, Chris chose to live his own life. He doesn't want the money he has. He's a college graduate, but he didn't go looking for work. Instead all his privileges, he chooses to have his own life with nature. Chris wanted to pursue what he was passionate about and that's living a life without expectations. So, we went off to an adventure of his lifetime!!! There's always something or someone that affect our lives; sometimes, it causes us to change our own direction. For Chris, his father did something that greatly affected Chris and his life.

1 comment:

  1. I had the same exact idea of what Chris' passion was. It was just basically life and how he wanted to live it.
